“Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order.”
—Marie Kondo,
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Bonjour et Bienvenue!
I’m Herve (pronounced “Ervey”); your Tidy Frenchy. And yes, as you may have guessed… I’m French (accent included, you’re welcome).
I made the move to the US and New York City in 2001 to work in investment banking.
The pull of sunny California later brought me to Los Angeles and as of February 2020,
my home is now Nashville, Tennessee.
As long as I can remember, I have been a so called “neat freak”. Organizing and tidying has always come naturally to me. As a little boy, I used to spend hours organizing my toys, books and helping my parents tidy up around the house. Later, during my college years, I would advise people on how to keep their homes organized. There was always a feeling of joy and satisfaction whilst doing it.
After studying law and foreign languages, I spent many years working in the corporate world. However, I was never fully fulfilled with my work; I would come home and start reorganizing and tidying my space to help me relax. I felt such joy doing that.
Years later... In early 2019 in fact, I discovered the KonMari Method® by watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix series; “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”. I couldn’t stop watching it!
I wanted to learn more about this way of organizing and tidying so I ordered her books and read both of them in a week. I was so inspired that I decided to apply the method to my own home. It was life-changing! I felt such joy living in a space with all the things I love that made up my home.
My motto has always been, “If you want it, you can do it." It inspired me to reorganize my professional life and change of career to fulfill my passion for organization.
After attending the KonMari® certification course in New York, and becoming a certified KonMari® Consultant, Tidy Frenchy was born!
I am so excited and honored to share my passion for organizing and to help guide you to declutter your home by creating a space surrounded by things that truly spark joy.

KonMari® Certification course in New York City, November 8-10, 2019
What is the KonMari Method® ?
Who is Marie Kondo?
Marie Kondo is a tidying expert, bestselling author and star of Netflix's hit show, "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo".
Marie began her tidying consultant business as a 19-year-old university student in Tokyo. Today, Marie is a renowned tidying expert helping people around the world to transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration.
In her #1 New York Times bestselling book,
"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," Marie took tidying to a whole new level, teaching that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you'll never have to do it again.
Marie has been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.

Photo courtesy of KonMari Media, Inc.
About the KonMari Method®
Most tidying methods involve organizing by room, as opposed to category. This can seem more overwhelming and leave you with picking away at your stuff forever.
The KonMari Method® encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. You only keep those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.
People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective and forward-looking.
Please visit www.konmari.com for more information

Tidying with a Certified KonMari® Consultant is not unlike exercising with a personal trainer. Together, we can achieve your tidying goals faster. Our mission is to guide you through each step of the process; help you determine what truly sparks joy, and choose the best storage solutions for your home and lifestyle. If you would like your space organized but aren't sure whether the KonMari Method® is for you, we are happy to customize a process that works for you.
Before you begin your decluttering journey, we will have a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your goals and the vision you have for your home. We can also share more about the process and answer any questions you have about what to expect.
5 Hours
Dip your toes into the "spark joy" experience!
The KonMari Method® recommends that we tidy by category rather than room, in a specific order (clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items/komono, and sentimental items). An “a la carte” session can be a great option if you want to dip your toes into the "spark joy" experience but aren't quite sure if it's the right time to commit fully.
Single 5-hour session includes:
Full non-refundable payment is due at the time of purchase.
Sessions must take place within one year of purchase.
Dip your toes into the "spark joy" experience!
15 Hours
Perfect for Small Spaces!
This is a great option for those who live in a small house or apartment, or for those who only need help with specific categories on their KonMari® journey, like the kitchen or home office.
Includes three 5-hour sessions:
Full non-refundable payment is due at the time of purchase.
Sessions must take place within one year of purchasing this package.
(save $110)
Perfect for Small Spaces!
30 Hours
Most popular!
We will dedicate a full 5-hour session to each of the five KonMari® categories, with an extra session for wiggle room or for finalizing your storage options. This is a great option for people who have availability to do significant homework in between sessions. (For example, we'll do clothing for the first session, and then you'll finish up with coats, bags and shoes on your own.)
Includes six 5-hour sessions:
Full non-refundable payment is due at time of purchase.
Sessions must take place within one year of purchasing this package.
(save $335)
Most popular!
50 Hours
Best Value!
This package is optimal for medium to large homes, and allows us to dig deep into each of the categories. It's perfect for people who are totally ready to commit to completing the entire KonMari® journey from start to finish and who may not have the ability to do significant homework in between sessions.
Includes ten 5-hour sessions:
50% non-refundable deposit due at time of purchase, remainder due after fifth session.
Sessions must take place within one year of purchasing this package.
(save $750)
Best Value!
Payment Method: We accept checks and online payments via PayPal , Zelle or Venmo. To note, full payments are required at time of booking sessions.
Cancellation Policy: There is a 48-hour notice required to cancel or reschedule any session. Cancellations and rescheduling after this timeframe will incur a $75 fee.
What can I expect during my tidying session?After our phone consultation, we will schedule a time for our first session in your home. Upon arriving at your home, I will spend approximately 30 minutes getting a feel for your space and discussing your goals, ideal lifestyle, and vision for your home. Once this portion is completed, the tidying begins! It is recommended that our clients start with clothes (as Marie Kondo advises), but if you have completed this category on your own, we may begin with another category. If starting with clothes, we will remove all of your clothing from your closet and/or dresser, so that everything is in one place. Many clients find this to be an eye-opening experience! In the next phase, you will hold each item and decide if it brings you joy. Your consultant will help you hone your sensitivity to joy as you progress through the category. For any pieces that will be discarded, you will be encouraged to practice gratitude and thank your items warmly. Once all the clothes have been sorted, our consultant will provide a lesson in folding and storing your clothes to optimize your space and create an uplifting storage area.
How should I prepare for our first tidying session?There is no need to tidy prior to your consultant's arrival. Prior to the session, it would be helpful for you to spend some time thinking about your ideal vision for your life and home. Before we dive into tidying, we will discuss your vision for the future, so anything that would be helpful to communicate this vision would be good to have on hand. This could include notes, photographs, magazine images, and more.
How long is each tidying session?Each session is typically five hours long. Organizing is rewarding, but also physically and emotionally taxing. Five hours is that “sweet spot” which is enough time to see significant progress, but not too long to lead to exhaustion. I recommend that you eat a healthy meal prior to the session and hydrate yourself during the session as tidying is an endurance sport. After the first 5-hour session we can discuss plans for shorter or longer sessions based on your schedule.
How much will we get done in each tidying session?It depends on how much you own, how organized your space already is, if there are any outside distractions, how quickly you can make decisions, etc. I will move at your pace and help you set appropriate expectations for your unique situation.
How many sessions can we do in a week?Depending on schedules, we can meet 1-2 times a week. Working together at least once a week to make progress during the process is highly recommended.
How many sessions will I need?There is no straightforward answer. There are so many factors that determine how many sessions and how quickly the tidying process will all take. Here are some: Size of home, number of possessions, number of people living in home, schedule, level of motivation to get the entire house organized (the biggest factor) … Every situation is different but if you’re motivated, you may only need a few sessions to get you through the entire process (homework will be assigned between sessions depending on the package you select).
What is homework?Depending on the package you select, you may be assigned homework after a particular session. Here are some examples: Taking items away after a session to be donated or disposed of. Working on some categories on your own if we didn’t finish during a particular session (for example to tidy shoes after we spent a session tidying your clothes). Prepping for a session by gathering items to be sorted into one location. Cleaning and dusting of shelves to be used for storage. Maintaining a supply of items for temporary storage or disposal (such as plastic storage bins, cardboard boxes, garbage bags).
What if people I live with are not interested in tidying up?It's your own personal journey independent of anyone else in your life. You will only be making decisions about your own belongings, so whether or not the people you live with are on board does not impact your progress. With shared items (komono or miscellaneous category- kitchen/bathroom etc.) you will need to discuss with others to agree on decision making rights. The KonMari Method™ actually recommend that you go through the process individually, without the distractions of family members. Sometimes, those around us can influence our decisions in ways that we might not appreciate. By focusing on yourself, other people in your home will not feel as threatened and, many times, after watching one person go through this process the others will also want to participate and tidy their own belongings.
Will you make me throw things away?While I will help you hone your sensitivity to joy, the goal is for you to surround yourself with only items that you love. Therefore, your decision on what to keep and what to discard is entirely up to you. I will ask questions to help you determine how you feel about a given item, but you have the authority to keep or discard any item you wish. For the items you choose to discard, I will work with you to practice gratitude. It really can help to thank your items, no matter how small, before getting rid of them. I can recommend options for donations as well. As you will maintain custody of all purged items, it will be your responsibility to discard or donate them.
What about my privacy?I am honored to accompany you during your tidying marathon and would never disclose any information about you or identify you as a client. Any photos of your progress would only be shared after getting your written consent while accompanying personal information will always remain confidential.
What kind of support is there after we work together?I offer on demand access (emails, texts, calls) during the process and for 90 days after. If after 90 days you have questions or concerns, please contact me. Your transformation is a personal journey, and I want to support you through it!
Are You Ready To Spark Some Joy?